3rd Jook Joint4th Jook Joint5th Jook JointNoelle's BluesGNSH Blues Class 'n' Party 2005
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Joseph and Trisha Sewell led a fantastic four hour workshop followed by a slightly naughty icebreaker class in the evening.

The workshop was tiring, but many said that they had never been to a workshop as good as this.  Joe and Trisha really worked into the class, discussed people's objectives and raised themselves to the challenge of meeting almost all of them.

Many seem keen come back for more and some even wanted to come back for more of the same!

The workshop was over-sold and we, regrettable, had to turn 15 dancers away!

The combination of Rob's music, Joe and Trisha's teaching and the Blues Crew's creation of atmosphere and hospitality was a knock out.  Teachers and dancers all danced themselves into the ground and were definitely out for the count the following day

The dancers were equally divided as to which DJ had the Blues edge.  Is it Rob McKim or is it Peter Phillips?  All agreed that both far outclass the regular dance offerings to be had in these parts.

Some of the photos will be a bit strange.  I've used three techniques. The first technique involves a flash and capture people in sharp details but removes all of the ambiance from the background lighting and candles.  The second technique uses the background lighting but the dancers appear a ghostly blurs whilst the background appears sharpish.  The final technique is a hybrid it involves a long exposure using background light finished off with a burst of flash the capture a moment of detail.  The latter technique has the bizzare effect of turning people into ghosts with the background showing right through them.